Golf Tournament

2025 TCS Golf Tournament
Date and Location TBD
This is our 23rd annual Golf Tournament - a great opportunity for parents, alumni, and friends of Trinity to enjoy a round of golf and have fun while raising money for Trinity. The day includes 18 holes of golf, dinner, and an awards ceremony at the club house!
Please contact Brad Campbell for information on becoming a sponsor of the 2025 tournament.
Brad Campbell, Tournament Coordinator
[email protected]
Trinity Christian School
All proceeds benefit Trinity Christian School
Business or Church Sponsorship Opportunities
Your business or church sponsorship assists us in nurturing Godly, bright, and responsible young students and future leaders. Thank you for your consideration. Please return the sponsorship form to Trinity by April 3rd to be included on the Work-A-Thon T-shirt. You can either mail in a form or register and pay online here.
2024 Sponsors
Trinity Christian School wants to say a special thanks to these sponsors for their support! Click on a company’s logo to visit their web site.